Racism as Defined by YWCA Mankato

Racism as Defined by YWCA Mankato

YWCA Mankato defines racism as the combination of prejudice and power to exert an outcome upon another based on that person’s racial identity.  Currently, in the United States, power rests within the white community.
In defining racism, power refers to an encompassing societal understanding of power.

Implicit Association Test

Implicit Association Test

Self assessment is critical for being able to address racism in ourselves and society. Without reflection real progress can not be made.

Dear White People: About Botham Jean, Forgiveness, Justice, and Cheap Grace

Dear White People: About Botham Jean, Forgiveness, Justice, and Cheap Grace

Forgiveness without repentance is what theologian Dietrich Bonhoefer, quoting Adam Clayton Powell, called cheap grace. It lets us believe we are off the hook for our evil without demanding any real change on our part. In the case of the murder of Botham Jean cheap grace lets us white people maintain our sense of innocence and goodness without first facing up to the role we all play, knowingly or not, in maintaining systemic racism.

Racial Microaggressions in Science

Racial Microaggressions in Science

Atmospheric scientist Marshall Shepherd reflects on microaggressions that he has experienced as an African American scientist and professor.“ I was standing in a hotel lobby with other colleagues wearing suits. I was President of the American Meteorological Society at the time. A woman walked up to me and asked if I was the airport shuttle driver.”

On Views of Race and Inequality, Blacks and Whites Are Worlds Apart

On Views of Race and Inequality, Blacks and Whites Are Worlds Apart

…The survey finds that black and white adults have widely different perceptions about what life is like for blacks in the U.S. For example, by large margins, blacks are more likely than whites to say black people are treated less fairly in the workplace (a difference of 42 percentage points), when applying for a loan or mortgage (41 points), in dealing with the police (34 points), in the courts (32 points), in stores or restaurants (28 points), and when voting in elections (23 points).

16 Words and Definitions to Kickstart Your Anti-Racism Journey

16 Words and Definitions to Kickstart Your Anti-Racism Journey

“In a racist society, it’s not enough to be non-racist — you have to be anti-racist.” — Angela Davis
1. White Privilege: White privilege refers to the unmerited set of advantages, entitlement, benefits, and choices given to people simply because they are white. 2. White Supremacy: White supremacy is an institutionally perpetuated system of exploitation and oppression