The first step is always to show up, show up then listen.
Listen without preconceptions or judgement.
Listen without mentally replaying white cultural values or myths.
Listen without expectation.

Maine Human Rights Coalition President James Varner has been hosting Juneteenth events for more than 50 years. He spoke in the Bangor Maine area at the first federally recognized holiday. Why though is teaching about it and race theory in general a problem for so many?

At the Maine State House and BEYOND
Long-time Bangor Civil Rights leader James Varner, 86, delivers an emotional message about the last moments of George Floyd’s life and death to an anti-racism protest in Augusta. James Varner is the co-founder of the Bangor chapter of the NAACP and president of the Maine Human Rights Coalition.

Walking in my Shoes – by James Varner
By reading this article in the Healing Racism Toolkit, you have chosen to explore an experience that can change your thinking and interaction with other human beings that seem different from you but if you really really think about it, we as human beings, are very much alike.

Reparations: Through my Black Eyes to Your White Minds
America used the cruelest most inhumane system of slavery to build the richest most powerful nation. America, the land of the free, the home of the brave, but at what cost in human life, pain, cruel inhumane treatment, the effects of which are still being felt today? Does America owe a debt to black Americans, the descendants of African slaves: You bet! America owes a huge debt.