
Dear White People — Please Stop Pretending Reverse Racism Is Real

Excerpt from the article…

0ne of my friends reacted to the piece with absolute outrage. This person, a white male journalist, told me that I was trying to “shut down white voices.” Towards the end of our exchange, in which he admitted he was worried he was eventually going to lose his job to a person of colour, he called me a “bigoted little witch.”

His views sound extreme, especially for someone who works for a mainstream media organization. But he’s not alone. It seems the more we talk about racism, the stronger another narrative becomes—one that paints white people as the ones who are truly oppressed.

TAGS: [2010’s] [Assumptions] [“Reverse Racism”] [Black Lives Matter] [Systemic Racism] [Politics] [White Supremacy] [White Culture] [White Fragility/Tears] [White Defensiveness] [White Privilege] [Denial] [Social Justice] [History] [Employment] [Policing]