Slave Owners are in Your Pocket

Slave Owners are in Your Pocket

Click to read the text on the above display. You can also print out items to create your own “Slave Owners are in Your Pocket” display. Slave owners are in your pocket! Let the world know! Stamp your bills! Making this display is easy.

Three Female Quaker Ministers Named Douglass and One Named Truth

Three Female Quaker Ministers Named Douglass and One Named Truth

From the early 1800s until the 1920s, there were at least three influential Quaker female ministers named Douglass. Two were African American (mother and daughter) and one was the Imperial Empress of the Queens of the Golden Mask, the women’s auxiliary of the powerful Indiana Ku Klux Klan.

Shake and Say

Shake and Say

Use any sort of plastic containers with lids. Fill some 1/2 full, others 2/3rds full, others 3/4ths full with any kind of dried beans. (Different kinds of containers and beans, as well as different fill levels, make different sounds.)

Secret Quotes

Secret Quotes

Find some interesting, poignant, and powerful quotes from a person of color admired by your community. Print out the quotes on business card blanks. Find ways to distribute.

Inner Souls

Inner Souls

Buy cheap inner soles. In big type, formatted to fit on the inner soles, print out copies of phrases such as: “An Inner Soul On A Journey Of Healing”