The posts on this page include facts and statistics gathered over many years. Because of this, some will have become stale. Also, the very nature of statistics is that they are essentially outdated as soon as they are published because we are always changing, sometimes for the better, sometimes not. Therefore DO CONSIDER DOING YOUR OWN RESEARCH. We would be thrilled to post whatever you find that seems more relevant.
One place that has a wide assortment of facts regarding racism that is relevant to each state is available on this page. State Fact Sheets (2020)
Fifty years ago, the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and many other leaders launched a Poor People’s Campaign to tackle the pervasive problems of systemic racism, poverty, and militarism. By many measures, these interrelated problems are worse today than they were back in 1968. And if you add in climate change and ecological devastation, the urgency is even greater. Learn more about the interlocking evils of systemic racism, poverty, militarism/the war economy, ecological devastation, and the distorted moral narrative of religious nationalism in your state:
White Americans used lynching to terrorize and control Black people in the 19th and early 20th centuries. Learn more about the history of this barbaric practice and how NAACP worked to end lynching.
What we witnessed with George Floyd was that same public spectacle: someone in broad daylight with onlookers around, being killed at the hands of a law enforcement officer who has just complete disregard for human life and felt he was above the law.
– Derrick Johnson, NAACP President and CEO
In 1555, John Hawkins, a white English missionary arrives in Africa Sierra Leone. There were thousands of villagers celebrating their harvest festival of crops. John Hawkins tells the polite villagers that God has sent him to preach about a God named Jesus. After the sermon, Hawkins asked how many were ready to receive Jesus. 500 hands went up. Hawkins invited them to the beach where his slave ship named Jesus was waiting. Hawkins urged his new converts to enter the ship for their salvation.
And what you can do about it.
By DoSomething
(DoSomething members join volunteer, social change, and civic action campaigns to make real-world impact on causes they care about.)
- During the 2015–2016 school year, Black students represented only 15% of total US student enrollment, but they made up 35% of students suspended once, 44% of students suspended more than once, and 36% of students expelled. The US Department of Education concluded that this disparity is “not explained by more frequent or more serious misbehavior by students of color.”
- In New York City, 88% of police stops in 2018 involved Black and Latinx people, while 10% involved white people. (Of those stops, 70% were completely innocent.)
- In one US survey, 15.8% of students reported experiencing race-based bullying or harassment. Research has found significant associations between racial bullying and negative mental and physical health in students.
- From 2013 to 2017, white patients in the US received better quality health care than about 34% of Hispanic patients, 40% of Black patients, and 40% of Native American patients.
- Black women are 3 to 4 times more likely to experience a pregnancy-related death than white women, even at similar levels of income and education.
- Black Americans are more likely than white Americans to be arrested. Once arrested, they are more likely to be convicted, and once convicted, they are more likely to experience lengthy prison sentences.
- Black Americans and white Americans use drugs at similar rates, but Black Americans are 6 times more likely to be arrested for it.
- On average, Black men in the US receive sentences that are 19.1% longer than those of white men convicted for the same crimes.
- In the US, Black individuals are twice as likely to be unemployed than white individuals. Once employed, Black individuals earn nearly 25% less than their white counterparts.
- One US study found that job resumes with traditionally white-sounding names received 50% more callbacks than those with traditionally Black names.
- In the US, Black workers are less likely than white workers to be employed in a job that is consistent with their level of education.
8 facts about Black Lives Matter
In the 10 years since the #BlackLivesMatter hashtag was first used on social media, it has appeared in more than 44 million tweets, according to a recent Pew Research Center report. On a typical (median) day, #BlackLivesMatter appears in about 3,000 tweets as users discuss topics such as racism, violence and the criminal justice system.
- About half of adults in the United States (51%) say they support the Black Lives Matter movement
- Support for Black Lives Matter has decreased significantly among U.S. adults since June 2020
- Most teenagers support the Black Lives Matter movement
- Among U.S. adults, 7% say they have ever attended a Black Lives Matter protest
- Many Black adults in the U.S. say Black Lives Matter has done the most to help Black people in recent years
- The public is divided on how effective the Black Lives Matter movement has been at bringing attention to racism against Black people in the U.S.
- A large majority of social media users in the U.S. (77%) say they have seen content on social media related to Black Lives Matter, but far fewer report having ever posted or shared something about this topic
- A majority of social media posts that use the #BlackLivesMatter hashtag are supportive
Systemic Inequality: Displacement, Exclusion, and Segregation
… Exclusion from federal homeownership programs undermined Black families’ wealth accumulation in the 20th century … The Federal Housing Admin. (FHA) used these maps to determine the areas in which it would guarantee mortgages based on a neighborhood’s racial composition, designating predominantly nonwhite neighborhoods as hazardous, and coloring these areas red. This process, known as redlining, …
Racism Fact Sheet
Racism in Health Care: …60% of African Americans say that race or ethnic background affects getting routine medical care. …Heart mortality rates for adults ages 25-64 are almost twice as high among African Americans as whites.
Racism in Education: … Applied Research reports that the rate of school suspensions is far higher for black students than for whites nationwide. … African Americans and Hispanics in Texas were significantly more likely to be searched following a traffic stop by law enforcement agencies.
On Views of Race and Inequality, Blacks and Whites Are Worlds Apart
…The survey finds that black and white adults have widely different perceptions about what life is like for blacks in the U.S. For example, by large margins, blacks are more likely than whites to say black people are treated less fairly in the workplace (a difference of 42 percentage points), when applying for a loan or mortgage (41 points), in dealing with the police (34 points), in the courts (32 points), in stores or restaurants (28 points), and when voting in elections (23 points).
Anti-Black Racism Is Alive and Well in the U.S.:here is the statistical evidence
Click image to view/download “Anti-Black RacismIs Alive and Well in the U.S.:here is the statistical evidence”.
Women of color are especially impacted by ant-abortion laws. During slavery, women slaves were forced to bear children who were then sold, hence the profit motive to anti-abortion. Later the more children a women had the harder it was to support them and this made it far easier to exploit the labor of the women and their children.
The Racist History of Abortion and Midwifery Bans
Today’s attacks on abortion access have a long history rooted in white supremacy.
By Michele Goodwin | July 1, 2020
Following the Supreme Court’s decision in June Medical Services v. Russo this week, it is worth reflecting on the racist origins of the anti-abortion movement in the United States, which date back to the ideologies of slavery. Just like slavery, anti-abortion efforts are rooted in white supremacy, the exploitation of Black women, and placing women’s bodies in service to men. Just like slavery, maximizing wealth and consolidating power motivated the anti-abortion enterprise. Then, just as now, anti-abortion efforts have nothing to do with saving women’s lives or protecting the interests of children. Today, a person is 14 times more likely to die by carrying a pregnancy to term than by having an abortion, and medical evidence has shown for decades that an abortion is as safe as a penicillin shot—and yet abortion remains heavily restricted in states across the country.
TAGS: [Collective Action] [2020’s] [Indigenous] [History] [Slavery] [Black Lives Matter] [White Supremacy] [White Culture] [Politics] [Civil War] [Asian]

The world is a sphere spinning on an axis. White supremacy has us believe that European countries are on top, centered and occupy the upper half. In reality the equator is much lower then folks think and it could just as easily have Africa on the top, be far larger and more significant.