
On Being Black, Southern, and Rural in the Time of COVID-19

by Ash-Lee Woodard Henderson | April 1, 2020

The full article on the Black Agenda Report website is here…

Excerpt from the article…

With these reckless actions, it is us, our communities around the nation and, especially, in the rural South, which will suffer the most. Inevitably, when the United States sneezes, Black America catches a cold.

And this is no ordinary sneeze and no ordinary cold.

We—who were already neglected by states who chose profit and partisan politics over the health and well-being of our communities, who are disproportionately impacted by poverty, white supremacist violence, health disparities and more—are seeing less access to emergency care, while the few facilities that remain are becoming the primary source of care for our people. We’re seeing health care providers leave communities because of the closure of rural hospitals, gaps in specialty care expanding, job loss, and so much more, as the need for services increases beyond our ability to provide them.