
Map of Lynchings
The Monroe and Florence Work story and lynching map on the Plain Talk History website
About the website…
On these pages you will meet Monroe Nathan Work, who lived from 1866 – 1945 and felt compelled to document every known lynching that was happening in the United States during that time with whatever resources were available. Others have taken it further –– “This is an interactive map that shows how lynching began as a form of self-appointed justice in local communities in the 1800s, when townspeople made grave accusations first, but never bothered to gather the proof.”
Go to the map choose the distinction that makes sense to you. Clicking on any of the orange dots will bring up information on the particular incident such as: “Robert Lewis Black male lynched in early Jun 1892. Port Jervis, Orange Co. New York. He was lynched in a spectacle before some 2000 people for alleged rape. When the mob discovered he was still alive, they hanged him a second time.” Or Frank Viles Native American male lynched in Aug 1896 Asotin, Washington. He was lynched after being accused of rape. This demonstrates that lynching wasn’t just a Southern phenomena. Nor did it end in the 1940s as shown by David Jackson, a Black male killed in Dec 1961 McDuffie Co. Georgia. “There exists a photograph of his death taken by members of the crowd to share proudly as souvenirs.”
From Wikipedia: A lynching postcard is a postcard bearing the photograph of a lynching — a vigilante murder usually motivated by racial hatred — intended to be distributed, collected, or kept as a souvenir. Often a lynching postcard would be inscribed with racist text or poems. Lynching postcards were in widespread production for more than fifty years in the United States; although their distribution through the United States Postal Service was banned in 1908, some white supremacists still distribute them today.”
Terror lynchings as a display of racial domination peaked around the 1880s through to the 1940s, and were less frequent until the 1970s, especially (but not exclusively) in the Southern United States. Do your own research please.
Lynching in America
Confronting the Legacy of Racial Terror website
About the website…
As of June 2020, Bryan Stevenson’s Equal Justice Initiative documented nearly 6,500 lynchings of black people in the US from the end of the Civil War to 1950. The lynching of African Americans was terrorism, a widely supported campaign to enforce racial subordination and segregation. Lynching in America documents more than 4400 racial terror lynchings in the United States during the period between Reconstruction and World War II.