
The Legacy of Jim Crow

This video was produced by Rachel Carey-Harper soon after President Barack Obama was elected.  Rachel ends the video ends by saying: “The legacy of Jim Crow will not be over with the election of a man of color who is the best and the brightest. The legacy of Jim Crow will only end when average people of color have the same access, opportunities and privileges as average white person. Only then will we be able to create a peaceable world and fulfill our mandate as spiritual beings.” 

[Note: the poem “Strange Fruit” shown at seconds 24-52 in the video, was written in 1937 by Abel Meeropol.]

1 Comment

  1. Deena Kinsky

    The testimony that got to me the most was the fellow who still remembers years later the laughter of the White kids on the school playground so much closer to his home than the segregated school he had to trek to miles away. How incredibly sad that a little child would have to feel that injustice every day.


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