
Thirty Statements
The following comes from White Awareness: Handbook for Anti-racism Training.
Read the following statements
- Think about how they make you feel right now.
- Are they true for you?
- How would they have felt a year ago?
- 10-20 years ago?
✓ – statements that are current thoughts or attitudes
O – statements that you used to think
X – statements you never held
- I am not racist.
- I don’t understand what you people are saying or what you want.
- On the whole, the educated, the upper classes, the emotionally mature, and the deeply religious are much less racist.
- Other ethnic groups have had to struggle. Why is this so different?
- Angry people of color make me feel so helpless.
- Racism exists only where people of color exist.
- No matter what I say, it doesn’t satisfy them (people of color).
- If you could just get people feeling good about themselves, there would be much less racism
- Blacks and Latinos are more violent than whites.
- I’m not a racist, but when it comes right down to it, I wouldn’t marry a black person.
- I should not be held responsible for the actions of my ancestors.
- I’m with them (people of color) up to the point where they (want to) break the law.
- These days whenever a person of color sneezes, thirty-seven white people rush up to wipe her or his nose.
- People of color must be present in order for whites to address issues of racism.
- How can I address racism without being anti-white?
- I do not personally have responsibility for the policies of racist institutions.
- People of color are just as racist as whites.
- White people should not have to integrate if they don’t want to.
- Love cannot be legislated.
- Immigrants need to learn to speak English. After all, my parents (or grandparents) came here and had to learn English to be successful.
- Every person should be judged solely on her or his accomplishments, regardless of race.
- Because of the civil rights legislation of the past forty years, blacks have greater responsibility to exploit the opportunities made available to them.
- We (whites) should get a little more appreciation for what we’re doing to help.
- I’ve gotten to know some black people so well that I just don’t see them as black anymore.
- Some of my best friends are black (or Latino, or Asian American, or Native American … ).
- They don’t want us to deal with their problems.
- Every time I express my opinion to a person of color, I feel put down.
- On the basis of statistics, it is true that there is a higher crime rate in black and Latino neighborhoods.
- People of color are more aware of their feelings.
- In many situations, people of color are paranoid and over¬sensitive. They read more into the situation than is really there.